Be on Time!

When your child is late it is not only impacting on their attendance but it is also disruptive to the rest of the class when they are settled and starting their lessons.


School drop-off starts from 08:45 and children will need to be in school by 09:00 to start their lessons. Parents must drop off their child at the gates where a member of staff will be present.

Any child arriving between 09:00 and 09:15 will be marked as late and any child arriving  after 09:15 will be marked down as an unauthorised absence.


If mornings are a struggle, why not give Early Morning Club a try, open from 08:00, breakfast and activities are included.


If your child is not going to be in school you must let the office know by 09:00 please. If your child has a school dinner booked then this cannot be cancelled after 09:10 so if you have not let us know then you will still be charged.